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How to Submit Special Core/Special Issue Proposals

The International Spectator currently welcomes the unsolicited submission of proposals for Special Cores (4-6 articles) and Special Issues (8-12 articles) on International Relations defined broadly.

All Special Core and Special Issue proposals must address the relevant topic from a well-defined perspective. They must include a coherent set of articles that contribute to moving the understanding of the topic forward, in both a research and policy perspective.

The contributions must be authored by scholars from a number of different countries and institutions; multiple articles by the same author(s) or co-author(s) are not accepted.

More specifically, each proposal for a Special Core or Special Issue should include:

  • A title clearly stating the subject matter and the chosen approach

  • The name, affiliation and short bio (100 words) of the proponents

  • Rationale (500 words, outlining the scope and significance of the proposed topic and approach)

  • A list of contributions (from 4 to 6 for Special Cores; from 8 to 12 for Special Issues) including, for each article, a short abstract (100 words) and the name(s) and affiliation(s) of the author(s)

  • The proposed timeline for the submission of the full set of papers to the journal editors

  • Any further relevant information (multimedia, guest editorial, promotional opportunities, e.g. relevant conferences)

All Special Core and Special Issue proposals will be preliminarily screened by the editors and the editorial board of the journal based on their quality, originality and completeness.

Proponents of successful proposals will be responsible for putting together and submitting to the journal editors all the articles within the agreed timeline.

Please note that the acceptance of a Special Core or Special Issue does not entail acceptance of all individual contributions. Each article will go through a peer review process as do all individual submissions.

All Special Core/Special Issue proposals may be submitted to the editorial office by email:

Fore more details on submissions to The International Spectator please visit:


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