- 20 June 2023, 5.30 PM - 7.00 PM CEST
- via Zoom, English language only.
If you are interested in the link between Sport and International Relations, here is an event you don't want to miss!
The event aims at giving selected speakers and the public a fruitful occasion to discuss about the relationship between sport and International Relations in an increasingly fragmented world.
Within this context, The International Spectator, the peer-reviewed journal of IAI, presents its latest Issue (June 2023) and the Special Core “Olympic Diplomacy as Contestation: The Legacy of the Beijing Olympics”.
- Zoom Registration Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_EyoYgkH_TyqD3IBLQ9tHYQ#/registration
- Link to the Issue 2\2023: https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rspe20/current
- Find the Programme attached below